Thursday, 11 August 2011


Anticipation is a cruel mistress, knowing that you have something to look forward to yet not being to get your greedy mitts upon that gold, kind of literally seeing as Loose Talk Cost Lives new 4 song EP is called 'Wax and Gold'. Like a drip drip dripping leak in the ceiling we have been slowly introduced to the band and their evolution. They started life with a couple of raw demos, slowly building to a single in the form of 'Some Nice Flowers/Wreck Ashore, all catchy indie goodness. But with 'Wax and Gold' they step it up all over again, taking all the elements that made previous efforts so easy on them ears and then deciding to throw into that summer day mixture a dose of Mojito and Pina Coloda. All you can think of when listening is one of two things a) moving to the Amazon and dancing around in a tribal manner or b) getting your salsa on, it depends on you entirely on what past time you want to take up during the 16 minutes of brain washing but the urge and desire will be there. However three of the song titles on the EP will have to be googled beforehand to know what the hell they mean, unless you are lucky enough to have a degree in biology, the dictionary or Mexican death festivals/Spanish skulls.

Kicking off proceedings is 'Seraphim' which has the beach vibes to it, late night gushings on the rocks and chilled cocktails with friends. It seems the safest song on show, them trying to show intent but saving the best experiences for later on before it leads smoothly into 'Hemlock'. Then the feelings of moving to Brazil really hit you, things start to get tapped and legs start to bounce, you literally can't help but get swept away in the funk. The third song 'Calavera' is the best on the EP coming at you hard with the best lyrics, "blindly reach for love in lamplight",and them funky funky brass instruments, all the cogs click together. The last song on 'Wax and Gold' finishes in the same vein as the way it started, again taking that brass and using it to maximum effect, just under the layers of the high-pitch flick of guitar adding to a chorus which dreams are made of.

So while the looters loot, you can say you did too by getting the EP for nothing (though supporting them would be that little bit more moral). Take me to the favelas baby.

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