Monday, 12 September 2011


The summer months came and went rather too rapidly without a care for anybodies feelings, bar those of autumn and winter. Therefore Twin Cabins should be beckoned in, quickly, to your rapidly cooling ears and minds. Because just like a can of sun and glow, they try and reach into the dark days ahead, slowly winning you over to the advantages of those falling leaves and fireworks, with just the right mixture of slow melodic bass to remind you of the lazy beach days or festival days or driving days and all that nostalgia, added together with the hazy vocals gently nudging you towards fires or forests or conkers.

They are quite a potent mixture, being easy on the ears, the flicking jangly guitar featuring so heavily in Summer Camp records finds its way nicely into the reverb of the leads mutterings and musings, hooking you with nice pop catches but still managing to keep a mysterious outer shell. Both tracks below following similar pathways to the same goal. Greatness.

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