Tuesday, 26 April 2011
This is a fairytale about a song and a man. This man , Jai Paul, made this song, BTSTU, and it was up there with songs of the year. Pure fire . It was only a demo. The man went underground for a while, (kind of like Sleeping Beauty), until Prince Charming (XL Recordings), awoke him with a kiss of production a record label bidding war and a slight change in the wobble and timing in the bass. More seriously though, the elusive Mr Paul, demo or mixed, has made an boomer. With a distinct voice, all falsetto up in your grill, like the fire with the dragons, and the slight wobble in the bass it hits to the very core. No details yet on a much anticipated album or really on the man behind the music.Bass baby, bass.
Jai Paul - BTSTU (Edit) by Jai Paul
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
Rather a broad name for a band, Peace, and there isn't much Peace within their creations just solid gold. Their creations are gems of groove hitting the 'Foals' shaped button that is beneath every ones exterior. Two demo's and the excitement keeps growing especially with the fantastic 'BBLOOD'. It's quite simple really, just make amazing music.
Monday, 18 April 2011
Tribes kick your ass.In a enjoyable, soft way sort of like with a slipper. Releasing their debut EP after one demo, Nightdriving/uselessgod which was raw and spontaneous, comes 'We Were Children' which is of the same bare ilk as the few demo's. The Kings of Leon/Killers hole in the heart has needed filling for a few years, and although there isn't the same rough edges as the young Kings here, there is honest songwriting and clear soul of music. Tribes don't try to fool the listener in to some false preconceptions about the music that they create which makes it all the more listenable. You have to be a very strange person not to enjoy such unashamed fun and crashing guitars intoxicated with the slight shrill of the vocals within. Tribes make you wonder why music has to packaged and blurred with the unnecessary amount of production when their own result is a crisp 3:00 belter . Encore.
Available on Itunes, FREE DOWNLOAD
We Were Children (EP) by TRIBES
Monday, 11 April 2011
Resident NYC production duo are two multi-talented guys. Whilst running record label HeavyRoc they also spend their time creating making sure fire 'Justice' hits such as last years 'Blackout' and this years 'Dancing With The DJ' (The title of which sounds rather like a terrible car crash of Ke$ha and Black Eyed Peas but actually is an infectious pop gem). Recently they have been on tour with the well-known songstress Ellie Goulding in the US but have been making remixes for Foster The People and today's most focused remix for The Streets. The remix in question, by arguably one of the most influential artists of the 20th century, is a scary idea kind of like the idea of fighting a lion but they do it stunningly well by grabbing influences from 'Miike Snow' and making it slide into Mike Skinner's lazy flow, slightly like summer personified or exaggerated or one of the two. Because sometimes the best thing to do is put on a sprinkler of sound in the back garden and run through it, continually. Merci beaucoup Monsieur's. PS. As always little black download arrow on player will give you delight straight into your Itunes
The Streets - OMG (The Knocks Remix) by Radar Maker
The Streets - OMG (The Knocks Remix) by Radar Maker
Monday, 4 April 2011
JUST A NUMBER 05272011
Music like this is made for loving and sharing. Just A Number 05272011 are one of the hype bands of the last few weeks. They are shrouded in mystery at the moment which seems the done thing these days for blog bands. But there is generally a reason why a band gets alot of attention and 9 times out of ten its because the music they make can be described with words such as 'tune', 'banger' or even 'spin that record again baby'. This band and their faintly ridiculous name deserve such praise. The song getting recent rounds on headphones is 'BUISNESS'. Somewhere on the line of absolute incredible-ness that is the falsetto sounds of Passion Pit, the band plant thier siege on the castle 'Raging Pop Banger'. The beat is heavy, the hook of those tribal-esque drums is infectious contrasted with the sharpness of the lead vocals amounts in feet stomping brilliance that could lead to o-so much more if placed on the dancefloor. Put it as a wake-up alarm or as a weekend anthem there is no denying the epicness. Keep it coming.
BUSINESS by Just a number 05272011
Download up at THE FADER
Sunday, 3 April 2011
FOE is scary. Labelmates with ENTREPRENEURS who was posted below she creates pop music with a harsh edge. Her EP is released in the next week/s, spending £5 can earn you the ownership of HOT NEW TRASH, the aptly named title of this brilliant creation. The four songs in question contain visually wrecking lyrics, heavy deployment of guitars and all under the banner of pop music. FOE's demos were alot softer than this, more closer to a raging, unhinged Goulding but with the added edge of Entrepreneurs production skills the EP is grittier. different but just as good. It's so refreshing to see pop music done well in an edgy exciting way, though pop brings a heavy tag, one of poor lyrics ie 'club', 'love' and 'dj', and repetitive production. FOE really flips the genre on it's greedy head. She breathes a nightmarish fresh breath into the game. Clown hats off, madame.
Hot New Trash EP by FOE
Saturday, 2 April 2011
Friends. Music. Separately they are brilliant. Friends + Music Gigs also creates something special. However the general trend is that Friends creating music is normally terrible. Boys creating huge grimy dupsteps beats. Please stop. Charlie has actaully managed to create a stunning subtle track drawing influences from current beat makers like James Blake. 'Untitled' doesn't try to grab your attention too soon, its quite happy wallowing around in the murky depths of drums and dreams before snapping you wind awake with the static synths and tight bass. Electronic instrumental at its best. Repeat, Repeat Repeat.
Untitled > by CharlieU
Friday, 1 April 2011
Xaphoon Jones. Beat Maker/ProductionWhizz/ChiddyBang/GeneralGroove. He sets the bar in the blogsphere for his depth of samples, his knowledge of the game and the standard of his creations. Whether it be with mash-ups in his latest mixtape or fresh tunes he manages to create a listening experience you think you have pinned down ie radio pop darling 'Wonderman' which he flips with a synth base and a looping drum. This only enhances these tunes into raging beasts that consume all thought processes for 42 minutes.With 'Volume 2' he gets in your head without any intention of leaving. Y'all be listening to Xaphoon Jones Mixtape Volume 2. If you want to be good, you have be this good.
Xaphoon Jones Mixtape Volume 2 (Source-IllRoots)
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