Monday, 4 April 2011

JUST A NUMBER 05272011

Music like this is made for loving and sharing. Just A Number 05272011 are one of the hype bands of the last few weeks. They are shrouded in mystery at the moment which seems the done thing these days for blog bands. But there is generally a reason why a band gets alot of attention and 9 times out of ten its because the music they make can be described with words such as 'tune', 'banger' or even 'spin that record again baby'. This band and their faintly ridiculous name deserve such praise. The song getting recent rounds on headphones is 'BUISNESS'. Somewhere on the line of absolute incredible-ness that is the falsetto sounds of Passion Pit, the band plant thier siege on the castle 'Raging Pop Banger'. The beat is heavy, the hook of those tribal-esque drums is infectious contrasted with the sharpness of the lead vocals amounts in feet stomping brilliance that could lead to o-so much more if placed on the dancefloor. Put it as a wake-up alarm or as a weekend anthem there is no denying the epicness. Keep it coming.

BUSINESS by Just a number 05272011

Download up at THE FADER

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