Monday, 18 April 2011


Tribes kick your ass.In a enjoyable, soft way sort of like with a slipper. Releasing their debut EP after one demo, Nightdriving/uselessgod which was raw and spontaneous, comes 'We Were Children' which is of the same bare ilk as the few demo's. The Kings of Leon/Killers hole in the heart has needed filling for a few years, and although there isn't the same rough edges as the young Kings here, there is honest songwriting and clear soul of music. Tribes don't try to fool the listener in to some false preconceptions about the music that they create which makes it all the more listenable. You have to be a very strange person not to enjoy such unashamed fun and crashing guitars intoxicated with the slight shrill of the vocals within. Tribes make you wonder why music has to packaged and blurred with the unnecessary amount of production when their own result is a crisp 3:00 belter . Encore.

Available on Itunes, FREE DOWNLOAD

We Were Children (EP) by TRIBES

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