Tuesday, 5 July 2011


Icona don't really lie about the music they make deciding to put the 'genre' in their name, and like a couple of Swedish wonders before them (Robyn, Lykke Li) they decide to flip that said  'judge-a-book-by-its-cover' genre on its head then smash up the rulebook that it came from with a big dose of cool. Take 'Manners', Icona's first proper single and the track that has garnered them the most attention, this is a first-class synth anthem with easily the biggest chorus of the year thus far, leaving normal radio giants/kidnappers huddling in the shadows. It glitches and spins, wobbles and punches, carrying with it a musically infectious disease. The video, which kick started the post carries on the vein of madness and big vibes. If only normal people could look this cool with so much neon paint being splashed around, but normally the only place this usually occurs is on fourteen year old out on the pull for the first time. Check'it. The girls don't stop there, oh no, sweeping us away with a collaboration of epic proportions joining with French producer-whizzes Logo. The resultant melting pot of superb, 'Luvsick', is exactly that, superb, fusing that wonderfully fresh french swagger-cool sound and the slightly off-English sexy of Icona. Hits all day.

And finally, to top it all off, the one and only indie-rap boys Chiddy Bang sample 'Manners' in their latest single 'Mind Your Manners' the first track of the debut. Fresh from killing it on the mixtape, they do what they have the capabilities of doing with every song by killing it again.
Deep Breath.

Logo X Icona Pop - Luvsick by Logorythme

Mind Your Manners by ChiddyBang

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