Sunday, 3 July 2011


Exploding back into action like supernova, except it's a start rather than the end, we have the first post since the apocalyptic feeling of Glastonbury. Taken a while to gather the thoughts and get back on it. So here we go, Fort Lean are another example of a band who are a pearl at the bottom of the ocean, who, when scraped above water make your life that o so little bit sweeter. Hailing from the rather cool regions of Brooklyn, they make that 2004 music, by 2004 music we reference the amazing debut by The Killers which they can no longer/ seem to want to recreate. Well, Fort Lean fit that soft space in between your ribs brilliantly, with their short sharp bursts of indie elegance, favourite 'Beach Holiday' starts off slowly and methodically enough, until suddenly it generates a sing-a-long, stadium sized chorus, the same can be said for 'Perfect', which again gives you a musical sized slap awakening the dance genes nestled deep within your DNA. The pace of the EP is checked with the other two songs 'High Defintion' and 'Dreams (Never Come True)' which give the release more balance and show a more diverse side to the band making sure there is truly something for everyone.

Downloads are limited so get them while you can.

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