Saturday, 18 June 2011


So, a week or so ago came the mysterious post from the band TangoCharlie. Wanting to know more I dug deeper until I managed to get in contact with one part of the band, Mathias Mental. This sounds like some kind of James Bond level, well it is. A few emails down the line the interview is spawned and now I am extremely excited to shed some light on such an impressive, organic and mysterious band. Answers from Mathias Mental and Frank Garrett. Enjoy.

 >>Where are TangoCharlie from?

Frank - Montreal, in Canada.

>>Who are the members and what past/present projects are they involved in?

Mathias - I have the vocal duties. I've had a solo project for 6 years now, it's called Mathias Mental. I'm still active although TangoCharlie is my main focus for the moment. Frank produces the tracks and plays bass, Jerome plays guitar and Pepe plays keyboards. They were all involved in Cougarettes. Vincent plays drums.

>>How did you form?

Frank - First we remixed each others projects. There aren't a lot of electro bands in montreal so the pairing was pretty obvious. After that, since we were both on hiatus with our respective projects, we thought we should try to jam together. I was working on some beats, but I had yet to figure out what I was working on. Mathias gave some sense to those tracks by adding lyrics and vocals. We did it very organically, without asking ourselves to much questions. After one session we had finished 2 songs and it was pretty clear we were going somewhere with that. We asked some of our friends to help us play the songs live and they added ideas as well.

>>It seems you are down for ‘OFF de Quebec’ Festival in July. Are there any more gigs in the pipeline?

Frank - Not for the moment.

>>Can we expect any more music in the coming months (please!)?

Frank - Yes, two more songs will be available in July!
Mathias - There's one inspired by Don DeLillo, the other is about unresolved family issues. Classic pop stuff. Meanwhile, check out Frank's remix of Mathias Mental's song "Daylight Saving", it's awesome!

>>Your song artwork messes with the mind. How did the photo come about?

Mathias - Simple, we all have an identical twin! No just kidding, the photos were taken by an awesome photographer from Montreal named José Enrique Montes Hernandez. He made a magical lense that does wonders. Check out his blog

>>There seems to be quite sexual images in the songs, especially ‘Salty’, and in ‘OLEV’ there appears to be a strong theme of drug use. As a band did you want to make dark songs or did it come naturally?

Mathias - When I heard Frank's beats, they're the first images that came to my mind. There's a dark feeling of urgency, but at the same time, there's a lot of hope. "Salty" can be interpreted very sexually, but it can also be seen as a very innocent, childish song. It could almost be a nursery rhyme. OLEV lyrics are more head-on, it's a mix of a lot of different feelings I had on the back of my mind at the time. Since the music is instrospective, I can't be detached with the lyrics, I have to dig deep and be sincere.

>>What is the best piece of music ever?

Mathias - We draw inspiration from a lot of stuff, here's a few: Gainsbourg, Bon Iver, James Blake, Leonard Cohen, Miike Snow, The Weeknd, Gonzales, Beck. But if I had a to bring a song on a desert island or something, I'd bring Jon Brion and Charlie Kaufman's "Little Person".

>>Why do you want to create a persona of mystery?

Frank - Because it's cool, and it's part of the creative approach.
Mathias - And once people realize you're a nerd, there's no turning back. We'd like to delay that as much as possible.

Finally, is an absolute banging remix by Frank on a track by Mathias, absolute party-killer. These guys really need to stop being so cool. Awating July.

Daylight Saving (Frank Garrett Remix) by Mathias Mental

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