Thursday, 2 June 2011


It is very odd in a day and culture such as ours that it is impossible to find any information about a group (an assumption) of people who make music the only source of info being tags on their BandCamp page saying 'Montreal'. But here we find ourselves with TangoCharlie, and its quite nice having the feeling of anticipation and of finding out more, though at the moment there is little hope that our hunger will be satisfied. So for now all we can do is bask in the electro-pop, super-cool, French-sounding glory that is 'OLEV' and 'Salty'. 'OLEV' the strongest of the two tracks bounces with those god-damn synths and some funky keyboard stuff, the bass is heavy and menacing and for all the happiness within the make-up of the song, a sort of menace does protrude through, all drugs and sex. 'Salty' is a grower and eeks its way into the brain, foot in the door style, creeping up on you, with that menace that is a strong theme within the songs. There seems to be a lack of formulation on some words which leads thoughts such as "Did he just say THAT?!" and again, its weird and dark and sexy. All so mysterious.

1 comment:

  1. Real mysterious indeed...I found some info here:
    I understand this band is formed from people involved in other projects...Cougarettes and Mathias Mental. The band seems to be rather new, hope we'll get new stuff and more info soon.
