Sunday, 12 June 2011


Today the weather went on holiday meaning that we couldn't enjoy the holiday season. Selfish. Here is something that is kinda like a substitute for Sun and they go by the name of Foster the People, a 3 man LA collective. In Summer 2010 they became one of the most hyped about bands due to the song 'Pumped Up Kicks', ensue predictable Label battle for their signature, sorta on the same lines as the epicness that Gandalf was fighting for and BAM, an album is spawned. As is always the case with everything kinda ever, the Americans get their mits on the album first but the plus side is the stream is out right about now (album out June 27) and its all kinds of fire. Swinging from trees made of piano chords and some funky samples, clambering among the undergrowth of good old synths and big bassy drums, this is the stuff a (musically minded) Tarzan dreamt of. Real nice to see a band making some pop music that also cares about making some bangers and having fun. O they're at GLASTONBURY. O, I will be having a proper big time meltdown rage at the front. These guys are a metaphorical huge fan that blows away those rain clouds.

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