Wednesday, 15 June 2011


Here is some more big-things for y'all. Floating into your mind, then stinging like a bee is the woozy raps of London's own H.A.S. Seemingly cropping up out of the ultra talented camp that is Sampha/SBTRKT/Jessie Ware and everything in between, H.A.S is a infusion of all things wonderful that these guys do, but not like that tea substance your mum drinks, no, this amalgamation of Sampha's production (which is supremely brilliant) and his own laid back flow is pretty exciting. The flowing river-like nature of the piano and the fog of synth and drum that covers you in musical smoke creates such a beautiful sound that you can't quite help falling in and drowning in the stickiness of it all. H.A.S's rap intertwines with the production in full effect, softly punching in your mind, making time slow down with his talk of clocks and clouds .'Wonderland' is like a friendly ghost itself the song being incredibly subtle and gentle, washing over you, and whilst the haze in your mind engulfs you, you can't quite focus on it's significance. Until the bleeps stop and you crash back into focus and realise it is scarily cool. Can't wait to be floating on the clouds with the rest of the E.P, 'Unconcious State'.

Wonderland produced by Sampha by hasmusic

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